On the first Tuesday of the month between 7.00pm and 8.00pm we meet together and spend an hour in prayer. This prayer time is foundational to how we share life and grow in faith together. Praying for the needs of individuals, for our local communities and UK and global issues. If you would like to get involved please speak to your local Churchwardens for details. |
Lord Jesus Christ, by your patience in suffering you hallowed earthly pain and gave us the example of obedience to your Father's will. Be near us in our times of weakness and pain; sustain us by your grace, that our strength and courage may not fail; heal us according to your will; and help us always to believe that what happens to us here is of little account if you hold us in eternal life, my Lord and my God. Amen. Whether you are a member of our church family or not, you can post your prayer requests to us using the form below.
All requests will be prayed for. You can submit a request for prayer for yourself, or for others, but please do not include any information that identifies people - for example, just use first names. Please remember to reach out to others for help if you need it. You can contact the Samaritans here. |