Raising funds to replace the Churchyard Fence at St Mary's
The oldest part of Little Hallingbury Church was built by Normans almost 1,000 years ago. Maintaining this historic building for future generations is expensive!
In 2024, the PCC completed repairs to the exterior masonry, walls and roof, with the help of grants from The Friends of Essex Churches & National Churches Trust. Now that the building is in good order, the time has come to replace the Churchyard fence, which runs 120 metres along Wrights Green Lane. This has deteriorated over time and is now beyond repair, and no longer an attractive boundary to the Churchyard. The replacement fence will be of similar height, style and construction. The cost of around £8,500 must be met locally, as there are no grants available for this work. All donations made to “Fix the Fence” will be 100% “ring-fenced” to this project only. They will not be used to fund the general expenses of the Church. We are relying on the help and support of the local community to restore the Churchyard fence to its former glory - and we have an offer to match funding raised from the local community, so please give generously! |
To donate online scan the QR to visit our JustGiving page or click the button below:
Alternatively - if you would like to donate the old-fashioned way, or if you have any questions, please contact:
Peter Green (Treasurer) - 01279 655003 Monica Swann (Churchwarden) - 01279 653820 Christopher Harding (Churchwarden) - 07973 372313 To donate by BACS transfer please send to: Account: Little Hallingbury Parochial Church Council Sort Code: 20-36-98 Account Number: 00289337 Please include "FixtheFence" in the payment reference |